Greener Pastures #4 and a half
Out of stock
“The Age of Aquarius”
The sun is out, surf’s up on Coogee Beach, and all Trevor the bull wants to do is tan his hide and relax with a couple of issues of “Sergeant Stone and the Screaming G.I.’s”. But wouldn’t you know it – the Executive Council of the Water Board, an aquatic strike force from the deep, is on a mission to create a flood of Biblical proportions and cleanse the world of mankind. The only thing between them and the Apocalypse is a stud bull from Cucumgilliga who can’t even swim. All this and Caesar in a G-String! What else could you want?
Greener Pastures was consistently nominated in nearly all relevant categories for the OzCon Awards between 1994 and 1997.
16 pages. B/W interiors. Colour covers.
Note: Original cover price from 1996 is no longer applicable.
Note: Many copies are far from mint condition as the only copies now available to the publisher are returned stock from newsagent distribution.