A Brush With Darkness


Since the mid-1980s Dillon Naylor has been drawing distinctively sinister album covers, band posters, t-shirt designs and comics out of pure love…and a name on the door of the next gig. Now, for the first time, artwork that was only ever found staple-gunned to a pole in Fitzroy, duct-taped to a wall in a smoky pub or stuffed upside-down into a magazine rack in an alternative music store can now be seen all in one smart 200 page volume, A Brush With Darkness! The collection includes long out-of-print comic books for Melbourne cult bands The Fireballs, The Fat Thing, and Satellite as well as posters and CD covers for Area 7, Powderfinger plus the big-scale all-age Pushover gigs of the 90s. The book also includes nearly all of Dillon’s early horror comics and experimental, never-before published pieces all scanned from the original, moth-eaten elements and presented in brain-snapping black and white! A scare-larious cartoon snapshot of the music and underground comic scene of the last three decades complete with the artist’s notes and unreliable recollections.

  • Format
  • Publisher
    Milk Shadow Books
  • Country
  • Published
    1 March 2013
  • Pages
  • ISBN

Ships From: Australia

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